CH100: Everyday Chemistry Last updated Sep 19, 2019 Save as PDF Detailed Licensing Front Matter Page ID189407 ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) Front MatterTitlePageInfoPageTable of ContentsLicensing1: Matter and Measurements1.1: Basic Definitions1.4: Chemistry as a Science1.5: Expressing Numbers1.6: Significant Figures - Writing Numbers to Reflect Precision1.7: The Basic Units of Measurement1.8: Problem Solving and Unit Conversions1.9: Temperature and Density1.10: Hypothesis, Theories, and Laws1.11: Classification of Matter1.12: Activity: States of Matter1.13: Compounds Display Constant Composition1.14: Chemical Formulas: How to Represent Compounds1.15: A Molecular View of Elements and Compounds1.16: Methods for Separating Mixtures1.17: Properties of Matter1.18: What is Energy?1.19: Energy and Chemical and Physical Change1.20: Activity: Energy Forms and ChangesShow all2: Chemical Reactions2.1: The Atomic Theory of Matter2.2: Masses of Atoms and Molecules2.3: Stoichiometry2.4: The Mole2.5: Mole-Mass and Mass-Mass Calculations2.6: Chemical Equations2.7: The Mole in Chemical Reactions2.8: Activity: Balancing Chemical Equations2.9: Some Simple Patterns of Chemical ReactivityShow all3: Atoms and the Periodic Table3.1: Development of the Modern Periodic Table3.2: Looking for Patterns: The Periodic Table3.3: Indivisible - The Atomic Theory3.4: The Properties of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons3.5: Activity: Build an Atom3.6: Atomic Number3.7: Mass Number3.8: Isotopes3.9: Atomic Models of the Twentieth Century3.10: Bohr's Atomic Model3.11: Understanding Atomic Spectra3.12: Predicting Ion ChargesShow all4: Light and Waves4.1: Prelude to Electromagnetic Waves4.2: The Electromagnetic Spectrum5: Ions5.1: Ions - Losing and Gaining Electrons5.2: Sugar and Salt5.3: Writing Formulas for Ionic Compounds5.4: Naming Inorganic Compounds5.5: Naming Ionic Compounds5.6: Naming Acids6: Covalent Compounds6.1: Molecules and Molecular Compounds6.2: Lewis Dot and Bonding6.3: Covalent Lewis Structures: Electrons Shared6.4: Writing Lewis Structures for Covalent Compounds6.5: Predicting the Shapes of Molecules6.6: Activity: Molecule Shapes6.7: Naming Molecular Compounds6.8: Nomenclature SummaryShow all7: Climate and the Environment7.1: Climate and Global Change – Chapter Introduction7.2: Climate Processes; External and Internal Controls7.3: The Carbon Cycle7.4: Human Impacts on the Carbon Cycle7.5: The Science of Climate Change7.6: Activity: Molecules and Light7.7: Additional Reading - Milankovitch Cycles7.8: Greenhouse Gases7.9: Fossil Fuels and Greenhouse Gases7.10: Consequences of Climate Change7.11: Looking Forward: Climate Strategies7.12: Water Cycle and Fresh Water Supply7.13: Case Study: The Aral Sea - Going, Going, Gone7.14: Water Pollution7.15: Water Treatment7.16: Case Study: The Love Canal Disaster7.17 The Bull Run RiverShow all8: Energy from Fossil Fules8.1: Energy8.2: Electricity Generation8.3: Fossil Fuels8.4: Hydrocarbons8.5: Branched Hydrocarbons8.6: Coal8.7: Acid Rain8.8: Acid Rain Transport8.9: Acid Snow8.10: Oil8.11: Natural Gas8.12: Outdoor Air Pollution8.13: Effects of Air Pollution on Human HealthShow all9: Renewable Energy9.1: Introduction9.2: Solar Energy9.3: Biomass Energy9.4: Wind Power9.5: Geothermal Power9.6: Hydroelectric Power (Hydropower)9.7: Other Alternative Renewable Energy SourcesShow all10: Nuclear Energy10.1: Prelude to Nuclear Chemistry10.2: Radioactivity10.3: Uses of Radioactive Isotopes10.4: Nuclear EnergyBack MatterIndexGlossaryDetailed Licensing