24: Organometallic chemistry- d-block elements
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The study of Organometallic chemistry has been important in the growth of chemistry ever since the first compound was synthesized in 1827. Organometallic compounds can be defined as a compound that contains at least one metal-carbon bond, not including cyanide. Organometallic compounds are used in numerous reactions, including but not limited to, the Grignard reaction, and the Simmons-Smith reaction.
- 24.1: Introduction
- Transition metal σ−bonded organometallic compounds like the metal alkyls, aryls and the hydrides derivatives are by for the most common organometallic species encountered in the world of chemistry. Yet, these compounds remained elusive till as late as the 1960s and the 1970s.
- 24.3: The 18-electron Rule
- The 18-electron rule is used primarily for predicting and rationalizing formulae for stable metal complexes, especially organometallic compounds. The rule is based on the fact that the valence shells of transition metals consist of nine valence orbitals (one s orbital, three p orbitals and five d orbitals), which collectively can accommodate 18 electrons as either bonding or nonbonding electron pairs.
- 24.5: The Isolobal Principle and Application of Wade's Rules
- Wade’s rules are used to rationalize the shape of borane clusters by calculating the total number of skeletal electron pairs (SEP) available for cluster bonding. In using Wade’s rules it is key to understand structural relationship of various boranes.