ChemPRIME (Moore et al.)
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ChemPRIME (Chemical Principles through Integrated Multiple Exemplars) is designed so that chemistry concepts can be presented in an order that reflects the conceptual structure of the discipline and students are able to learn chemistry within a broad range of contexts that relate chemistry to other disciplines and everyday life. ChemPRIME is a collaborative project in which concepts and contexts can be contributed by anyone and used free of charge by anyone for non-commercial purposes.
Front Matter
1: Introduction - The Ambit of Chemistry
2: Atoms, Molecules, and Chemical Reactions
3: Using Chemical Equations in Calculations
4: The Structure of Atoms
5: The Electronic Structure of Atoms
6: Chemical Bonding - Electron Pairs and Octets
7: Further Aspects of Covalent Bonding
8: Properties of Organic Compounds
9: Gases
10: Solids, Liquids and Solutions
11: Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
12: Chemistry of the Representative Elements
13: Chemical Equilibrium
14: Ionic Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions
15: Thermodynamics- Atoms, Molecules and Energy
16: Entropy and Spontaneous Reactions
17: Electrochemical Cells
18: Chemical Kinetics
19: Nuclear Chemistry
20: Molecules in Living Systems
21: Spectra and Structure of Atoms and Molecules
22: Metals
Back Matter
Thumbnail: Lead Iodide (CC BY 2.0 Generic; Paige Powers via Flickr)