Physical & Theoretical Chemistry
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Physical Chemistry is the application of physical principles and measurements to understand the properties of matter, as well as for the development of new technologies for the environment, energy and medicine. Advanced Physical Chemistry topics include different spectroscopic methods (Raman, ultrafast and mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic and electron paramagnetic resonance, x-ray absorption and atomic force microscopy) as well as theoretical and computational tools to provide atomic-level understanding for applications such as: nanodevices for bio-detection and receptors, interfacial chemistry of catalysis and implants, electron and proton transfer, protein function, photosynthesis and airborne particles in the atmosphere. There are additional quantum mechanics resources in Physics Library.
Supplemental Modules (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry)
Physical Chemistry (LibreTexts)
Quantum Chemistry with Applications in Spectroscopy (Fleming)
Quantum States of Atoms and Molecules (Zielinksi et al.)
Map: Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences (Chang)
Quantum Chemistry (Blinder)
Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry (Simons and Nichols)
Advanced Theoretical Chemistry (Simons)
An Introduction to the Electronic Structure of Atoms and Molecules (Bader)
Quantum Tutorials (Rioux)
The Live Textbook of Physical Chemistry (Peverati)
Free Energy 1e (Snee)
Time Dependent Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy (Tokmakoff)
Nonlinear and Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy (Tokmakoff)
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (Jenschke)
Quantitative NMR (Larive and Korir)
Physical Chemistry (Fleming)
Thermodynamics and Chemistry (DeVoe)
Thermodynamics and Chemical Equilibrium (Ellgen)
Topics in Thermodynamics of Solutions and Liquid Mixtures
Chemical Thermodynamics (Supplement to Shepherd, et al.)
Statistical Thermodynamics (Jeschke)
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics (Cao)
Advanced Statistical Mechanics (Tuckerman)
Surface Science (Nix)
Mathematical Methods in Chemistry (Levitus)
Symmetry (Vallance)
The Necessity of Entropy: The Macroscopic Argument, The Microscopic Response, and Some Practical Consequences (Herzfeld)