Conversion Factors & Units to Memorize
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1.00 in = 2.54 cm
1.00 lb = 453.5 g
1.000 kg = 2.205 lb
1.000 L = 1.057 qt (0.946 L = 1.00 qt)
1.00 atm = 760. mmHg = 760. torr
1 kilo = 103 base unit
1 deci = 10-1 base unit (10 deci = 1 base unit)
1 centi = 10-2 base unit (102 centi = 1 base unit)
1 milli = 10-3 base unit (103 milli = 1 base unit)
1 micro* = 10-6 base unit (106 micro = 1 base unit)
*1 micro = 1 μ = 1 mc
103 micro = 1 milli (1 micro = 10-3 milli)
1 cm3 = 1 mL = 1 cc
Metric base units
g = gram
m = meter
L = liter
s = second
English units
lb = pound
Ounce vs Fluid Ounce: oz is a mass unit and fl oz is a volume unit in the English system.
oz = ounce
pt = pint
qt = quart
gal = gallon
8 fluid oz = 1 cup
2 cups = 1 pt
2 pt = 1 qt
4 qt = 1 gallon