5: Boltzmann
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- 5.1: The Boltzmann Factor
- The proportionality constant k (or kB) is named after him: the Boltzmann constant. It plays a central role in all statistical thermodynamics. The Boltzmann factor is used to approximate the fraction of particles in a large system. The Boltzmann factor is given by: exp(−βEi)
- 5.2: The Thermal Boltzman Distribution
- The Boltzmann distribution represents a thermally equilibrated most probable distribution over all energy levels. There is always a higher population in a state of lower energy than in one of higher energy.
- 5.3: The Average Ensemble Energy
- The probability of finding a molecule with energy Ei is equal to the fraction of the molecules with energy Ei. The average energy is obtaining by multiplying Ei with its probability and summing over all i: ⟨E⟩=∑iEiPi
- 5.4: Heat Capacity at Constant Volume
- The heat capacity at constant volume, denoted CV, is defined to be the change in thermodynamic energy with respect to temperature.
- 5.6: Translational Partition Functions of Monotonic Gases
- Since the levels are very closely spaced for translation, a large number of translational states are accessible available for occupation by the molecules of a gas. This result is very similar to the result of the classical kinetic gas theory