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Chemistry LibreTexts

21.S: Nuclear Chemistry (Summary)

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21.1: Radioactivity

    • nucleons – neutron and proton
    • all atoms of a given element have the same number of protons, atomic number
    • isotopes – atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers
    • three isotopes of uranium: uranium-233, uranium-235, uranium-238
    • (superscript is mass number, subscript atomic number)
    • radionuclides – nuclei that are radioactive
    • radioisotopes – atoms containing radionuclides

21.1.1 Nuclear Equations

    • alpha particles – helium-4 particles
    • alpha radiation – stream of alpha particles
    • emission of radiation is one way that an unstable nucleus is transformed into a more stable one
    • superscript = mass number
    • subscript = atomic number
    • radioactive decay – when a nucleus spontaneously decomposes
    • sum of the mass numbers is the same on both sides of the equation
    • sum of the atomic numbers same on both sides of the equation
    • radioactive properties of the nucleus are independent of the state of chemical combination of the atom
    • chemical form does not matter when writing nuclear equations

21.1.2 Types of Radioactive Decay

  • three most common type of radioactive decay: alpha(α), beta(β), and gamma(γ) radiation

Types of Radiation
Property α β γ
Charge 2+ 1- 0
Mass 6.64x10-24 g 9.11x10-28 g 0
Relative penetrating power 1 100 10,000
Nature of radiation electrons High-energy photons
    • beta particles – high speed electrons emitted by an unstable nucleus
    • beta decay results in increasing the atomic number
    • gamma radiation – high-energy protons
    • gamma radiation does not change atomic number or mass number or a nucleus
    • almost always accompanies other radioactive emission
    • represents the energy lost when the remaining nucleons reorganize into more stable arrangements
    • positron – particle that has same mass as an electron but opposite charge
    • represented by
    • emission of a positron has effect of converting a proton to a neutron decreasing atomic number of nucleus by 1
    • electron capture – the capture by the nucleus of an inner-shell electron from the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus
    • has effect of converting a proton to neutron
Particle Symbol
Alpha Particle
Beta Particle

21.2: Patterns of Nuclear Stability

21.2.1 Neutron-to-Proton Ratio

    • strong nuclear force – a strong force of attraction between a large number of protons in the small volume of the nucleus
    • stable nuclei with low atomic numbers up to 20 have nearly equal number of neutrons and protons
    • for higher atomic numbers, the number of neutrons are greater than the number of protons
    • the neutron-to-proton ratio of stable nuclei increase with increasing atomic number
    • belt of stability – area where all stable nuclei are found
      • ends at bismuth
      • all nuclei with 84 or more protons are radioactive
      • an even number of protons and neutrons is more stable than an odd number
    • determining type of radioactive decay
      • 1) nuclei above the belt of stability
      • high neutron-to-proton ratios
      • move toward belt of stability by emitting a beta particle
      • decreases the number of neutrons and increases the number of protons in a nucleus
      • 2) nuclei below the belt of stability
      • low neutron-to-proton ratios
      • move toward belt of stability by positron emission or electron capture
      • increase number of neutrons and decrease the number of protons
      • positron emission more common with lower nuclear charges
      • electron capture becomes more common with increasing nuclear charge
      • 3) nuclei with atomic numbers 84
      • alpha emission
      • decreases both number of neutrons and protons by 2

21.2.2 Radioactive Series

    • some nuclei cannot game stability by a single emission
    • radioactive series or nuclear disintegration series – series of nuclear reactions that begin with an unstable nucleus to a stable one
    • three types of radioactive series found in nature
      • uranium-238 to lead-206, uranium-235 to leat-207, and thorium-232 to lead-208

21.2.3 Further Observations

    • nuclei with 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, or 82 protons or 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, or 126 neutrons are more stable than with nuclei without these numbers
    • numbers called magic numbers
    • nuclei with even number of protons and neutrons more stable than with odd number of protons and neutrons
    • observations made in terms of the shell model of the nucleus
      • nucleons reside in shells
    • magic numbers represent closed shells in nuclei

21.3: Nuclear Transmutations

    • nuclear transmutations – nuclear reactions caused by the collision of one nucleus with a neutron or by another nucleus
    • first conversion of one nucleus into another performed by Ernest Rutherford in 1919
    • converted nitrogen-14 to oxygen-17

21.3.1 Using Charged Particles

    • particle accelerators – used to accelerate particles at very high speeds
    • cyclotron, and synchrotron

21.3.2 Using Neutrons

  • neutrons do not need to be accelerated

21.3.4 Transuranium Elements

  • transuranium elements – elements with atomic numbers above 92 that are produced by artificial transmutations

21.4: Rates of Radioactive Decay

    • radioactive decay is a first-order process
    • has characteristic of half life, which is the time required for half of any given quantity of a substance to react
    • half-life unaffected by external conditions

21.4.1 Dating

    • radiocarbon dating assumes that the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in the atmosphere has been constant for at least 50,000 years
    • age of rocks can be determined by ratio of uranium-238 to lead-206

21.4.2 Calculations Based on Half-life

    • rate = kN
    • k = decay constant, N = nuclei
    • t = time interval of decay, k = decay constant, N0 = initial number of nuclei at time zero, Nt = number remaining after time interval

21.5 Detection of Radioactivity

    • Geiger counter – device used to measure and detect radioactivity
    • Based on ionization of matter caused by radiation
    • Phosphors – substances that give off light when exposed to radiation
    • Scintillation counter – used to detect and measure radiation based on tiny flashes of light produced when radiation strikes a suitable phosphor

21.5.1 Radiotracers

    • radioisotopes can be used to follow an element through its chemical reactions
    • isotopes of same element have same properties
    • radiotracer – radioisotopes used to trace an element

21.6: Energy Changes in Nuclear Reactions

    • E = energy, m = mass, c = speed of light
    • If system loses mass, it loses energy (exothermic)
    • If system gains mass, it gains energy (endothermic)

21.6.1 Nuclear Binding Energies

    • masses of nuclei always less than masses of individual nucleons
    • mass defect – mass difference between a nucleus and its constituent nucleons
    • energy is needed to break nucleus into separated protons and neutrons, addition of energy must also have an increase in mass
    • nuclear binding energy – energy required to separate a nucleus into its individual nucleons
      • the larger to nuclear binding energy the more stable the nucleus toward decomposition
    • fission – energy produced when heavy nuclei split
    • fusion – energy produced when light nuclei fuse

21.7: Nuclear Fission

  • fission and fusion both exothermic
  • chain reaction – reaction in which the neutrons produced in one fission cause further fission reactions
  • in order for a fission chain reaction to occur, the sample of fissionable material must have a certain minimum mass
  • critical mass – amount of fissionable material large enough to maintain the chain reaction with a constant rate of fission
  • supercritical mass – mass in excess of a critical mass

21.7.1 Nuclear Reactors

  • nuclear reactors the fission is controlled to generate a constant power
  • reactor core consists of fissionable fuel, control rods, a moderator, and cooling fluid
  • fission products are extremely radioactive and are thus hard to store
  • about 20 half-lives needed for products to react acceptable levels for biological exposure

21.8: Nuclear Fusion

  • fusion is appealing because of availability of light isotopes and fusion products are not radioactive
  • high energies needed to overcome attraction of nuclei
  • thermonuclear reactions – fusion reactions
  • lowest temperature required is about 40,000,000 K

21.9: Biological Effects of Radiation

  • when matter absorbs radiation, the energy of the radiation can cause either excitation or ionization
  • ionization radiation more harmful than nonionization radiation
  • most of energy of radiation absorbed by water molecules
  • free radical – a substance with one ore more unpaired electrons
  • can attack other biomolecules to produce more free radicals
  • gamma rays most dangerous
  • tissues that take most damage are the ones that reproduce at a rapid rate
  • bone marrow, blood forming tissues, lymph nodes

21.9.1 Radiation Doses

    • becquerel (Bq) – SI unit for activity of the radiation source; rate at which nuclear disintegrations are occurring
    • 1 (Bq) = 1 nuclear disintegration/s
    • curie (Ci) = 3.7x1010 disintegrations/s = rate of decay of 1g of radium
    • two units used to measure amount of exposure to radiation: gray (Gy) and rad
    • gray – SI unit of absorbed dose = absorption of 1 J of energy per kilogram of tissue
    • rad (radiation absorbed dose) – absorption of 1x10-2 J of energy per kilogram of tissue
    • 1 Gy = 100 rads
    • relative biological effectiveness – RBE
      • 1 for gamma and beta radiation, 10 for alpha radiation
      • exact value varies with dose rate, total dose, and type of tissue affected
      • rem (roentgen equivalent for man) – product of the radiation dose in rads and the RBE of the radiation gibes the effective dosage
      • rem is unit of radiation damage that is usually used in medicine
      • number of rems = (number of rads)(RBE)
    • Sievert (Sv) – SI unit for dosage
      • 1 Sv = 100 rem
      • annual exposure = 360mrem

21.9.2 Radon

    • radon exposure estimated to account for more than half annual exposure
    • half-life of radon is 3.82 days
    • decays into radioisotope polonium
    • atoms of polonium can be trapped in lungs giving out alpha radiation causing lung cancer
    • recommended levels of radon-222 in homes is to be less than 4 pCi per liter of air

21.S: Nuclear Chemistry (Summary) is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.

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