Common Structures of Binary Compounds
As shown in part (a) in Figure 8.3.1, a simple cubic lattice of anions contains only one kind of hole, located in the center of the unit cell. Because this hole is equidistant from all eight atoms at the corners of the unit cell, it is called a cubic holeThe hole located at the center of the simple cubic lattice. The hole is equidistant from all eight atoms or ions at the corners of the unit cell. An atom or ion in a cubic hole has a coordination number of 8.. An atom or ion in a cubic hole therefore has a coordination number of 8. Many ionic compounds with relatively large cations and a 1:1 cation:anion ratio have this structure, which is called the cesium chloride structureThe unit cell for many ionic compounds with relatively large cations and a 1:1 cation:anion ratio. (Figure 8.3.2 ) because CsCl is a common example. Notice in Figure 8.3.2 that the z = 0 and the z = 1.0 planes are always the same. This is because the z = 1.0 plane of one unit cell becomes the z = 0 plane of the succeeding one. The unit cell in CsCl contains a single Cs+ ion as well as 8×1/8 Cl−=1 Cl− ion, for an overall stoichiometry of CsCl. The cesium chloride structure is most common for ionic substances with relatively large cations, in which the ratio of the radius of the cation to the radius of the anion is in the range shown in Table 8.3.1 .
Table 8.3.2 Relationship between the Cation:Anion Radius Ratio and the Site Occupied by the Cations
Approximate Range of Cation:Anion Radius Ratio |
Hole Occupied by Cation |
Cation Coordination Number |
0.225–0.414 |
tetrahedral |
4 |
0.414–0.732 |
octahedral |
6 |
0.732–1.000 |
cubic |
8 |
Note the Pattern
Very large cations occupy cubic holes, cations of intermediate size occupy octahedral holes, and small cations occupy tetrahedral holes in the anion lattice.
In contrast, a face-centered cubic (fcc) array of atoms or anions contains two types of holes: octahedral holesOne of two kinds of holes in a face-centered cubic array of atoms or ions (the other is a tetrahedral hole). One octahedral hole is located in the center of the face-centered cubic unit cell, and there is a shared one in the middle of each edge. An atom or ion in an octahedral hole has a coordination number of 6., one in the center of the unit cell plus a shared one in the middle of each edge (part (b) in Figure 8.3.1, and tetrahedral holesOne of two kinds of holes in a face-centered cubic array of atoms or ions (the other is an octahedral hole). Tetrahedral holes are located between an atom at a corner and the three atoms at the centers of the adjacent faces of the face-centered cubic unit cell. An atom or ion in a tetrahedral hole has a coordination number of 4., located between an atom at a corner and the three atoms at the centers of the adjacent faces (part (c) in Figure 8.3.1). As shown in Table 8.3.1, the ratio of the radius of the cation to the radius of the anion is the most important determinant of whether cations occupy the cubic holes in a cubic anion lattice or the octahedral or tetrahedral holes in an fcc lattice of anions. Very large cations occupy cubic holes in a cubic anion lattice, cations of intermediate size tend to occupy the octahedral holes in an fcc anion lattice, and relatively small cations tend to occupy the tetrahedral holes in an fcc anion lattice. In general, larger cations have higher coordination numbers than small cations.
The most common structure based on a fcc lattice is the sodium chloride structureThe solid structure that results when the octahedral holes of an fcc lattice of anions are filled with cations. (Figure 8.3.3), which contains an fcc array of Cl− ions with Na+ ions in all the octahedral holes. We can understand the sodium chloride structure by recognizing that filling all the octahedral holes in an fcc lattice of Cl− ions with Na+ ions gives a total of 4 Cl− ions (one on each face gives 6×/1=3 plus one on each corner gives 8×1/8=1, for a total of 4) and 4 Na+ ions (one on each edge gives 11×1/4=3 plus one in the middle, for a total of 4). The result is an electrically neutral unit cell and a stoichiometry of NaCl. As shown in Figure 8.3.3, the Na+ ions in the sodium chloride structure also form an fcc lattice. The sodium chloride structure is favored for substances with two atoms or ions in a 1:1 ratio and in which the ratio of the radius of the cation to the radius of the anion is between 0.414 and 0.732. It is observed in many compounds, including MgO and TiC.
The structure shown in Figure 8.3.4 is called the zinc blende structureThe solid structure that results when half of the tetrahedral holes in an fcc lattice of anions are filled with cations with a 1:1 cation:anion ratio and a coordination number of 4., from the common name of the mineral ZnS. It results when the cation in a substance with a 1:1 cation:anion ratio is much smaller than the anion (if the cation:anion radius ratio is less than about 0.414). For example, ZnS contains an fcc lattice of S2− ions, and the cation:anion radius ratio is only about 0.40, so we predict that the cation would occupy either a tetrahedral hole or an octahedral hole. In fact, the relatively small Zn2+ cations occupy the tetrahedral holes in the lattice. If all 8 tetrahedral holes in the unit cell were occupied by Zn2+ ions, however, the unit cell would contain 4 S2− and 8 Zn2+ ions, giving a formula of Zn2S and a net charge of +4 per unit cell. Consequently, the Zn2+ ions occupy every other tetrahedral hole, as shown in Figure 8.3.4, giving a total of 4 Zn2+ and 4 S2− ions per unit cell and a formula of ZnS. The zinc blende structure results in a coordination number of 4 for each Zn2+ ion and a tetrahedral arrangement of the four S2− ions around each Zn2+ ion.
Example 8.3.1
- If all the tetrahedral holes in an fcc lattice of anions are occupied by cations, what is the stoichiometry of the resulting compound?
- Use the ionic radii given in Figure 3.2.7 to identify a plausible oxygen-containing compound with this stoichiometry and structure.
Given: lattice, occupancy of tetrahedral holes, and ionic radii
Asked for: stoichiometry and identity
A Use Figure 8.3.1 to determine the number and location of the tetrahedral holes in an fcc unit cell of anions and place a cation in each.
B Determine the total number of cations and anions in the unit cell; their ratio is the stoichiometry of the compound.
C From the stoichiometry, suggest reasonable charges for the cation and the anion. Use the data in Figure 3.2.7 to identify a cation–anion combination that has a cation:anion radius ratio within a reasonable range.
- A Figure 8.3.1 shows that the tetrahedral holes in an fcc unit cell of anions are located entirely within the unit cell, for a total of eight (one near each corner). B Because the tetrahedral holes are located entirely within the unit cell, there are eight cations per unit cell. We calculated previously that an fcc unit cell of anions contains a total of four anions per unit cell. The stoichiometry of the compound is therefore M8Y4 or, reduced to the smallest whole numbers, M2Y.
- C The M2Y stoichiometry is consistent with a lattice composed of M+ ions and Y2− ions. If the anion is O2− (ionic radius 140 pm), we need a monocation with a radius no larger than about 140 × 0.414 = 58 pm to fit into the tetrahedral holes. According to Figure 3.1.7, none of the monocations has such a small radius; therefore, the most likely possibility is Li+ at 76 pm. Thus we expect Li2O to have a structure that is an fcc array of O2− anions with Li+ cations in all the tetrahedral holes.
If only half the octahedral holes in an fcc lattice of anions are filled by cations, what is the stoichiometry of the resulting compound?
Answer: MX2; an example of such a compound is cadmium chloride (CdCl2), in which the empty cation sites form planes running through the crystal.
We examine only one other structure of the many that are known, the perovskite structureA structure that consists of a bcc array of two metal ions, with one set (M) located at the corners of the cube, and the other set (M′) in the centers of the cube.. Perovskite is the generic name for oxides with two different kinds of metal and have the general formula MM′O3, such as CaTiO3. The structure is a body-centered cubic (bcc) array of two metal ions, with one M (Ca in this case) located at the corners of the cube, and the other M′ (in this case Ti) in the centers of the cube. The oxides are in the centers of the square faces (part (a) in Figure 8.3.5 ). The stoichiometry predicted from the unit cell shown in part (a) in Figure 8.3.5 agrees with the general formula; each unit cell contains 8×18=1 Ca, 1 Ti, and 6×1/2=3 O atoms. The Ti and Ca atoms have coordination numbers of 6 and 12, respectively. We will return to the perovskite structure when we discuss high-temperature superconductors in Section 8.7.