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Chemistry LibreTexts

1: The Chemical World

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  • 1.1: Introduction
    Your alarm goes off and, after hitting “snooze” once or twice, you pry yourself out of bed. You make a cup of coffee to help you get going, and then you shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and check your phone for messages. On your way to school, you stop to fill your car’s gas tank, almost making you late for the first day of chemistry class. As you find a seat in the classroom, you read the question projected on the screen: “Welcome to class! Why should we study chemistry?”
  • 1.2: Scientific Method
    Scientists search for answers to questions and solutions to problems by using a procedure called the scientific method. This procedure consists of making observations, formulating hypotheses, and designing experiments; which leads to additional observations, hypotheses, and experiments in repeated cycles.
  • 1.3: Correlation vs causation

This page titled 1: The Chemical World is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Alaka Pradhan.

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