CHM 320: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry textbook
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- Front Matter
- 1: Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
- 2: Atomic Structure
- 3: Simple Bonding Theory
- 4: Molecular Orbitals
- 5: Coordination Chemistry I - Structure and Isomers
- 6: Symmetry and Group Theory
- 7: Ligand Field Theory (LFT) and Crystal Field Theory (CFT) of Octahedral Complexes
- 8: LFT for Other Geometries / Spectroscopic Properties
- 9: Spectroscopic and Magnetic Properties
- 10: Thermodynamics, Trends in Metal Complex Stability
- 11: Kinetics, Trends in Kinetic Lability
- 12: Structures and Energetics of Metallic and Ionic solids
- 13: Introduction to Organometallic Complexes
- 14: Experimental Techniques
- Back Matter