35.10: Acronyms and Abbreviations
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acronym or abbreviation | name |
AC | alternating current |
ADC | analog-to-digital convertor |
atomic emission spectroscopy auger electron spectroscopy |
AFM | atomic force microscopy |
AFS | atomic fluorescence spectroscopy |
ASV | anodic stripping voltammetry |
ATF | attenuated total reflectance |
BPC | binary pulse counter |
CCD | charge-coupled device |
CE | capillary electrophoresis |
CEC | capillary electrochromatography |
CGE | capillary gel electrophoresis |
CI | chemical ionization |
CID | charge injection device |
COSY | correlation spectroscopy |
CZE | capillary zone electrophoresis |
CSV | cathodic stripping voltammetry |
CV | cyclic voltammetry |
DAC | digital-to-analog convertor |
DAS | diode array spectrometer |
DC | direct current |
DCP | direct current plasma |
DCS | differential centrifugal separation |
DL | detection limit |
DME | dropping mercury electrode |
DPP | differential pulse polarography |
DRIFT | diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform |
DSC | differential scanning calorimetry |
DTA | differential thermal analysis |
electron capture detector electrochemical detector |
EDL | electrical double layer |
EM | electromagnetic |
ESR | electron spin resonance |
FAAS | flame atomic absorption spectrometry |
FIA | flow-injection analysis |
flame ionization detector free induction decay |
FIR | far infrared |
FT | Fourier transform |
GC | gas chromatography |
GC-MS | gas chromatography-mass spectrometry |
GDMS | glow-discharge mass spectrometry |
HCL | hollow cathode lamp |
HETCOR | heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy |
HETP | height-equivalent of theoretical plate |
HMDE | hanging mercury drop electrode |
HPLC | high performance liquid chromatography |
ICP | inductively coupled plasma |
IEC | ion-exchange chromatography |
IR | infrared |
IS | internal standard |
ISE | ion-selective electrode |
LC | liquid chromatography |
LOI | limit-of-identification |
LOQ | limit-of-quantification |
LSV | linear sweep voltammetry |
MALDI | matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization |
MEKC | micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography |
MS | mass spectrometry |
MW | molecular weight |
M/Z | mass-to-charge ratio |
NAA | neutron activation analysis |
NHE | normal hydrogen electrode |
NIR | near infrared |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance |
NOSEY | nuclear overhauser and exchange spectroscopy |
NP | normal polarography |
NPP | normal pulse polarography |
ORD | optical rotary dispersion |
PDA | photodiode array |
PLOT | porous-layer open tubular column |
PP | pulse polarography |
RPC | reverse phase chromatography |
RRM | resonance Raman spectrosocopy |
SCE | saturated calomel electrode |
SCOT | support-coated open tubular column |
SEC | size-exclusion chromatography |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy |
SERS | surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy |
SFC | supercritical fluid chromatography |
SHE | standard hydrogen electrode |
SIMS | secondary ion mass spectrometry |
SMDE | static mercury drop electrode |
S/R (or SNR) | signal-to-noise ratio |
SSMS | spark-source mass spectrometry |
STM | scanning tunneling microscopy |
TCD | thermal conductivity detector |
TGA | thermal gravimetric analysis |
TOCSY | total correlation spectroscopy |
TOF | time-of-flight |
UV | ultraviolet |
UV/Vis | ultraviolet/visible |
Vis | visible |
WCOT | wall-coated open tubular column |
XPS | x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |
XRF | x-ray fluorescence |