21.8: Key Terms
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- Dec 12, 2022
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- 421392
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(Eg. "Genetic, Hereditary, DNA ...") | (Eg. "Relating to genes or heredity") | ![]() | The infamous double helix | https://bio.libretexts.org/ | CC-BY-SA; Delmar Larsen |
Word(s) | Definition | Image | Caption | Link | Source |
alpha (α) decay | loss of an alpha particle during radioactive decay | ||||
alpha particle | (α or or high-energy helium nucleus; a helium atom that has lost two electrons and contains two protons and two neutrons | ||||
antimatter | particles with the same mass but opposite properties (such as charge) of ordinary particles | ||||
band of stability | (also, belt of stability, zone of stability, or valley of stability) region of graph of number of protons versus number of neutrons containing stable (nonradioactive) nuclides | ||||
becquerel (Bq) | SI unit for rate of radioactive decay; 1 Bq = 1 disintegration/s | ||||
beta (β) decay | breakdown of a neutron into a proton, which remains in the nucleus, and an electron, which is emitted as a beta particle | ||||
beta particle | or or high-energy electron | ||||
binding energy per nucleon | total binding energy for the nucleus divided by the number of nucleons in the nucleus | ||||
chain reaction | repeated fission caused when the neutrons released in fission bombard other atoms | ||||
chemotherapy | similar to internal radiation therapy, but chemical rather than radioactive substances are introduced into the body to kill cancer cells | ||||
containment system | (also, shield) a three-part structure of materials that protects the exterior of a nuclear fission reactor and operating personnel from the high temperatures, pressures, and radiation levels inside the reactor | ||||
control rod | material inserted into the fuel assembly that absorbs neutrons and can be raised or lowered to adjust the rate of a fission reaction | ||||
critical mass | amount of fissionable material that will support a self-sustaining (nuclear fission) chain reaction | ||||
curie (Ci) | larger unit for rate of radioactive decay frequently used in medicine; 1 Ci = 3.7 1010 disintegrations/s | ||||
daughter nuclide | nuclide produced by the radioactive decay of another nuclide; may be stable or may decay further | ||||
electron capture | combination of a core electron with a proton to yield a neutron within the nucleus | ||||
electron volt (eV) | measurement unit of nuclear binding energies, with 1 eV equaling the amount energy due to the moving an electron across an electric potential difference of 1 volt | ||||
external beam radiation therapy | radiation delivered by a machine outside the body | ||||
fissile (or fissionable) | when a material is capable of sustaining a nuclear fission reaction | ||||
fission | splitting of a heavier nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei, usually accompanied by the conversion of mass into large amounts of energy | ||||
fusion | combination of very light nuclei into heavier nuclei, accompanied by the conversion of mass into large amounts of energy | ||||
fusion reactor | nuclear reactor in which fusion reactions of light nuclei are controlled | ||||
gamma (γ) emission | decay of an excited-state nuclide accompanied by emission of a gamma ray | ||||
gamma ray | (γ or short wavelength, high-energy electromagnetic radiation that exhibits wave-particle duality | ||||
Geiger counter | instrument that detects and measures radiation via the ionization produced in a Geiger-Müller tube | ||||
gray (Gy) | SI unit for measuring radiation dose; 1 Gy = 1 J absorbed/kg tissue | ||||
half-life (t1/2) | time required for half of the atoms in a radioactive sample to decay | ||||
internal radiation therapy | (also, brachytherapy) radiation from a radioactive substance introduced into the body to kill cancer cells | ||||
ionizing radiation | radiation that can cause a molecule to lose an electron and form an ion | ||||
magic number | nuclei with specific numbers of nucleons that are within the band of stability | ||||
mass defect | difference between the mass of an atom and the summed mass of its constituent subatomic particles (or the mass “lost” when nucleons are brought together to form a nucleus) | ||||
mass-energy equivalence equation | Albert Einstein’s relationship showing that mass and energy are equivalent | ||||
millicurie (mCi) | larger unit for rate of radioactive decay frequently used in medicine; 1 Ci = 3.7 1010 disintegrations/s | ||||
nonionizing radiation | radiation that speeds up the movement of atoms and molecules; it is equivalent to heating a sample, but is not energetic enough to cause the ionization of molecules | ||||
nuclear binding energy | energy lost when an atom’s nucleons are bound together (or the energy needed to break a nucleus into its constituent protons and neutrons) | ||||
nuclear chemistry | study of the structure of atomic nuclei and processes that change nuclear structure | ||||
nuclear fuel | fissionable isotope present in sufficient quantities to provide a self-sustaining chain reaction in a nuclear reactor | ||||
nuclear moderator | substance that slows neutrons to a speed low enough to cause fission | ||||
nuclear reaction | change to a nucleus resulting in changes in the atomic number, mass number, or energy state | ||||
nuclear reactor | environment that produces energy via nuclear fission in which the chain reaction is controlled and sustained without explosion | ||||
nuclear transmutation | conversion of one nuclide into another nuclide | ||||
nucleon | collective term for protons and neutrons in a nucleus | ||||
nuclide | nucleus of a particular isotope | ||||
parent nuclide | unstable nuclide that changes spontaneously into another (daughter) nuclide | ||||
particle accelerator | device that uses electric and magnetic fields to increase the kinetic energy of nuclei used in transmutation reactions | ||||
positron or | antiparticle to the electron; it has identical properties to an electron, except for having the opposite (positive) charge | ||||
positron emission | (also, β+ decay) conversion of a proton into a neutron, which remains in the nucleus, and a positron, which is emitted | ||||
radiation absorbed dose (rad) | SI unit for measuring radiation dose, frequently used in medical applications; 1 rad = 0.01 Gy | ||||
radiation dosimeter | device that measures ionizing radiation and is used to determine personal radiation exposure | ||||
radiation therapy | use of high-energy radiation to damage the DNA of cancer cells, which kills them or keeps them from dividing | ||||
radioactive decay | spontaneous decay of an unstable nuclide into another nuclide | ||||
radioactive decay series | chains of successive disintegrations (radioactive decays) that ultimately lead to a stable end-product | ||||
radioactive tracer | (also, radioactive label) radioisotope used to track or follow a substance by monitoring its radioactive emissions | ||||
radioactivity | phenomenon exhibited by an unstable nucleon that spontaneously undergoes change into a nucleon that is more stable; an unstable nucleon is said to be radioactive | ||||
radiocarbon dating | highly accurate means of dating objects 30,000–50,000 years old that were derived from once-living matter; achieved by calculating the ratio of in the object vs. the ratio of in the present-day atmosphere | ||||
radioisotope | isotope that is unstable and undergoes conversion into a different, more stable isotope | ||||
radiometric dating | use of radioisotopes and their properties to date the formation of objects such as archeological artifacts, formerly living organisms, or geological formations | ||||
reactor coolant | assembly used to carry the heat produced by fission in a reactor to an external boiler and turbine where it is transformed into electricity | ||||
relative biological effectiveness (RBE) | measure of the relative damage done by radiation | ||||
roentgen equivalent man (rem) | unit for radiation damage, frequently used in medicine; 100 rem = 1 Sv | ||||
scintillation counter | instrument that uses a scintillator—a material that emits light when excited by ionizing radiation—to detect and measure radiation | ||||
sievert (Sv) | SI unit measuring tissue damage caused by radiation; takes into account energy and biological effects of radiation | ||||
strong nuclear force | force of attraction between nucleons that holds a nucleus together | ||||
subcritical mass | amount of fissionable material that cannot sustain a chain reaction; less than a critical mass | ||||
supercritical mass | amount of material in which there is an increasing rate of fission | ||||
transmutation reaction | bombardment of one type of nuclei with other nuclei or neutrons | ||||
transuranium element | element with an atomic number greater than 92; these elements do not occur in nature |
alpha (α) decay | loss of an alpha particle during radioactive decay
alpha particle | (α or or high-energy helium nucleus; a helium atom that has lost two electrons and contains two protons and two neutrons
antimatter | particles with the same mass but opposite properties (such as charge) of ordinary particles
band of stability | (also, belt of stability, zone of stability, or valley of stability) region of graph of number of protons versus number of neutrons containing stable (nonradioactive) nuclides
becquerel (Bq) | SI unit for rate of radioactive decay; 1 Bq = 1 disintegration/s
beta (β) decay | breakdown of a neutron into a proton, which remains in the nucleus, and an electron, which is emitted as a beta particle
beta particle | or or high-energy electron
binding energy per nucleon | total binding energy for the nucleus divided by the number of nucleons in the nucleus
chain reaction | repeated fission caused when the neutrons released in fission bombard other atoms
chemotherapy | similar to internal radiation therapy, but chemical rather than radioactive substances are introduced into the body to kill cancer cells
containment system | (also, shield) a three-part structure of materials that protects the exterior of a nuclear fission reactor and operating personnel from the high temperatures, pressures, and radiation levels inside the reactor
control rod | material inserted into the fuel assembly that absorbs neutrons and can be raised or lowered to adjust the rate of a fission reaction
critical mass | amount of fissionable material that will support a self-sustaining (nuclear fission) chain reaction
curie (Ci) | larger unit for rate of radioactive decay frequently used in medicine; 1 Ci = 3.7 1010 disintegrations/s
daughter nuclide | nuclide produced by the radioactive decay of another nuclide; may be stable or may decay further
electron capture | combination of a core electron with a proton to yield a neutron within the nucleus
electron volt (eV) | measurement unit of nuclear binding energies, with 1 eV equaling the amount energy due to the moving an electron across an electric potential difference of 1 volt
external beam radiation therapy | radiation delivered by a machine outside the body
fissile (or fissionable) | when a material is capable of sustaining a nuclear fission reaction
fission | splitting of a heavier nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei, usually accompanied by the conversion of mass into large amounts of energy
fusion | combination of very light nuclei into heavier nuclei, accompanied by the conversion of mass into large amounts of energy
fusion reactor | nuclear reactor in which fusion reactions of light nuclei are controlled
gamma (γ) emission | decay of an excited-state nuclide accompanied by emission of a gamma ray
gamma ray | (γ or short wavelength, high-energy electromagnetic radiation that exhibits wave-particle duality
Geiger counter | instrument that detects and measures radiation via the ionization produced in a Geiger-Müller tube
gray (Gy) | SI unit for measuring radiation dose; 1 Gy = 1 J absorbed/kg tissue
half-life (t1/2) | time required for half of the atoms in a radioactive sample to decay
internal radiation therapy | (also, brachytherapy) radiation from a radioactive substance introduced into the body to kill cancer cells
ionizing radiation | radiation that can cause a molecule to lose an electron and form an ion
magic number | nuclei with specific numbers of nucleons that are within the band of stability
mass defect | difference between the mass of an atom and the summed mass of its constituent subatomic particles (or the mass “lost” when nucleons are brought together to form a nucleus)
mass-energy equivalence equation | Albert Einstein’s relationship showing that mass and energy are equivalent
millicurie (mCi) | larger unit for rate of radioactive decay frequently used in medicine; 1 Ci = 3.7 1010 disintegrations/s
nonionizing radiation | radiation that speeds up the movement of atoms and molecules; it is equivalent to heating a sample, but is not energetic enough to cause the ionization of molecules
nuclear binding energy | energy lost when an atom’s nucleons are bound together (or the energy needed to break a nucleus into its constituent protons and neutrons)
nuclear chemistry | study of the structure of atomic nuclei and processes that change nuclear structure
nuclear fuel | fissionable isotope present in sufficient quantities to provide a self-sustaining chain reaction in a nuclear reactor
nuclear moderator | substance that slows neutrons to a speed low enough to cause fission
nuclear reaction | change to a nucleus resulting in changes in the atomic number, mass number, or energy state
nuclear reactor | environment that produces energy via nuclear fission in which the chain reaction is controlled and sustained without explosion
nuclear transmutation | conversion of one nuclide into another nuclide
nucleon | collective term for protons and neutrons in a nucleus
nuclide | nucleus of a particular isotope
parent nuclide | unstable nuclide that changes spontaneously into another (daughter) nuclide
particle accelerator | device that uses electric and magnetic fields to increase the kinetic energy of nuclei used in transmutation reactions
positron or | antiparticle to the electron; it has identical properties to an electron, except for having the opposite (positive) charge
positron emission | (also, β+ decay) conversion of a proton into a neutron, which remains in the nucleus, and a positron, which is emitted
radiation absorbed dose (rad) | SI unit for measuring radiation dose, frequently used in medical applications; 1 rad = 0.01 Gy
radiation dosimeter | device that measures ionizing radiation and is used to determine personal radiation exposure
radiation therapy | use of high-energy radiation to damage the DNA of cancer cells, which kills them or keeps them from dividing
radioactive decay | spontaneous decay of an unstable nuclide into another nuclide
radioactive decay series | chains of successive disintegrations (radioactive decays) that ultimately lead to a stable end-product
radioactive tracer | (also, radioactive label) radioisotope used to track or follow a substance by monitoring its radioactive emissions
radioactivity | phenomenon exhibited by an unstable nucleon that spontaneously undergoes change into a nucleon that is more stable; an unstable nucleon is said to be radioactive
radiocarbon dating | highly accurate means of dating objects 30,000–50,000 years old that were derived from once-living matter; achieved by calculating the ratio of in the object vs. the ratio of in the present-day atmosphere
radioisotope | isotope that is unstable and undergoes conversion into a different, more stable isotope
radiometric dating | use of radioisotopes and their properties to date the formation of objects such as archeological artifacts, formerly living organisms, or geological formations
reactor coolant | assembly used to carry the heat produced by fission in a reactor to an external boiler and turbine where it is transformed into electricity
relative biological effectiveness (RBE) | measure of the relative damage done by radiation
roentgen equivalent man (rem) | unit for radiation damage, frequently used in medicine; 100 rem = 1 Sv
scintillation counter | instrument that uses a scintillator—a material that emits light when excited by ionizing radiation—to detect and measure radiation
sievert (Sv) | SI unit measuring tissue damage caused by radiation; takes into account energy and biological effects of radiation
strong nuclear force | force of attraction between nucleons that holds a nucleus together
subcritical mass | amount of fissionable material that cannot sustain a chain reaction; less than a critical mass
supercritical mass | amount of material in which there is an increasing rate of fission
transmutation reaction | bombardment of one type of nuclei with other nuclei or neutrons
transuranium element | element with an atomic number greater than 92; these elements do not occur in nature