Building your own Language Awareness

SPA 212 always has students from a wide variety of backgrounds with the language. Some of you have taken earlier Spanish courses here at Durham Tech or another college and may have only been learning Spanish for as little as 2 years. Some of you have spoken Spanish all your lives. In looking at the roster, I can see that many of you are taking this course to move into Durham Tech’s Spanish interpreting programs. There are also a number of you taking it for high school graduation purposes, while others are preparing for transfer or just want to learn Spanish for personal growth.

This means that each of you has very personalized needs for this course – and you come with strengths and weaknesses in different areas. What’s important is that you take the time to really think about what you can do well and what you struggle with in Spanish. During this course, we will work with most major grammar topics in Spanish to some degree. Many of these will be review for you, and some will be new. 

Each Weekly Lesson will have a basic structure for how it presents a grammar topic and leads you through practicing with it.

Click on the heading below to read the information about that structure.