Cómo revisar la biografía

Use the following questions to guide you through the proofreading process for your biography.

1. Have you written a biography telling the story of this person? You should not be writing a transcript of your conversation.

2. Is your biography organized in a logical manner? There is not one right way to do this. Two examples of organization would be:

The important thing is not to bounce back and forth too much. This may get confusing to the reader.

3. Have you checked all your verbs? Make sure they are in the proper tense by asking yourself:

Once you decide between present and past, you can then determine which of the forms of present or past you want to use. You can refer to your verb chart you started in Semana 2 to help you. (If you didn’t start a verb chart, you might want to think about doing that now.)

4. Do your adjectives agree with what they describe? Adjective endings are the easiest thing to make careless errors with. It’s always good practice to check all adjective endings, regardless of how good your Spanish is.

5. Have you used proper punctuation? Commas are used pretty much exactly as they are in English. Most commonly they’ll be used for lists and for joining sentences using a conjunction (“and”, “but”, etc.) You should not just stick two sentences together with a comma. When you end a sentence, use a period.

6. Have you spelled words correctly, especially with accents? If you’re not sure about a word’s spelling, try applying the accent rules or look it up in a dictionary to be sure you’re spelling it correctly.