Future tense

The future tense is formed by adding an ending to the infinitive form of the verb (the unconjugated form.)  All verbs -AR, -ER, -IR use the same endings:

PASAR + ending

Yo pasaré Nosotros pasaremos
pasarás Vosotros pasaréis
Él, Ella, Usted pasará Ellos,Ellas,Ustedes pasarán

Yo pasaré tiempo con mis amigos. = I will pass/spend time with my friends.

Be careful with accent marks! They are very important when communicating the future.


Formas irregulares

There are several verbs that use a different form for the stem, but they all use the same endings.

caber → cabr-
decir → dir-
haber → habr-
hacer → har-
poder → podr-
poner → pondr-
querer → querr-
saber → sabr-
salir → saldr-
tener → tendr-
valer → valdr-
venir → vendr-

I will leave at 6. Yo saldré a las 6.