Developmental Milestones
You may be surprised by the average age when a child reaches developmental milestones. The process by which we reach these milestones is called maturation. Is there a way to "speed up" a child’s thinking process? The answer is no. Yes, it is important to provide babies and children with developmentally appropriate toys. However, thinking that the more toys a baby or child has, the smarter this child will become is not correct. Talking to children and playing with children are just as important as a stimulating toy. A child who develops very slowly and at a much later age than the average child may have something wrong physically.

Maturation: The rate in which a person matures.

Talk with your parent or grandparent or a person who would remember you as an infant. You may also have a baby book that you and your family member can reference together for this activity.Try to identify when you hit your developmental milestones.

For additional information on development psychology, visit the sites below:

Did you know there is an average age that all children, no matter what culture, reach these developmental milestones? Try the self-check below to see if you can guess some of these average ages. (Note: These are estimated ages and everyone reaches these development milestones at slightly different times in their childhood.)

Set #1

Column 1Column 2
Kick a ball forward 20 months
Stand on one foot for 10 seconds 4 years
Feel ashamed 3 years
Recognize their mom’s voice 1 day
Pedal a tricycle 2 years

Set #2

Column 1Column 2
Make two word sentences 22 months
Laugh 2 months
Sit without support 5 months
Walk unassisted 1 year
Group objects by category 2 1/2 years

Set #3

Column 1Column 2
Tell you their street or town 4 1/2 years
Reach for and touch objects 3–5 months
Wash hands unassisted 3 1/2 years
Show anxiety when separated from caregiver 9–12 months
Jump in place with both feet together 2 years