Psychology Syllabus


Course Description:

Due to the complexity of modern society and the many options facing each individual, students can use knowledge of psychology to better understand themselves and their relationship to others. Through a study of psychology, students will learn to maximize their full potential, make appropriate decisions based on self-awareness, and better cope with life situations. This course meets Colorado Academic Standards for Social Studies.


Course Length: 2 Semesters


Prerequisites: None


Course Outline


Materials needed:

All the texts you need for this course are provided online.


Technical Requirements:

You will need a device (preferably a laptop/Chromebook/desktop) with consistent Internet access. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are the preferred browsers and you can download either for free. You will also need access to a Word processing program such as Google Docs (free) or MS Word. You will need to be able to access this class independently, create and submit word-processed documents, and have the ability to set up blogs or create PowerPoint or Google slides or websites.


Grading Scale

A: 90% and above

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%

F: 59% and below