U.S. History B Syllabus

Course Description:

This course addresses the social, economic, political, and military aspects of the United States from the Progressive Era (1890’s) to the present. Through exploration of recurring American issues and significant themes, students will examine contacts and exchanges among groups and cultures and how these have influenced American perspectives. Using important events, students will formulate historical questions, evaluate sources and data using diverse viewpoints, hypothesize, draw conclusions, and analyze issues of the American experience.

Course Length: 1 Semester

Prerequisites: None

Course Outline

Materials needed:

All the texts you need for this course are provided online.

Technical Requirements:

You will need a device (preferably a laptop/Chromebook/desktop) with consistent Internet access. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are the preferred browsers and you can download either for free. You will also need access to a Word processing program such as Google Docs (free) or MS Word. You will need to be able to access this class independently, create and submit word-processed documents, and have the ability to set up blogs or create PowerPoint or Google slides or websites.

Grading Scale

A: 90% and above

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%

F: 59% and below