"Every nation should be judged by the best it has been able to produce, not by the worst."

- James Weldon Johnson

Follow these directions to answer this Focus Question:

How did yellow journalism contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War?


Yellow Journalism Reading, attached below.

Review background information about Cuba's revolt against Spanish rule and about America's response.


Explore the origins and techniques of yellow journalism and its impact on the Spanish-American War.

Yellow Journalism

Battleship Maine

Crucible of an Empire


  Complete the Yellow Journalism Graphic Organizer and Worksheet below.

You will examine the effects of yellow journalism and analyze headlines from 1898 and compose some yellow journalism headlines of your own. Be sure to tell why you support or refute the claim that Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst started the Spanish-American War.

Go to the next page to submit your response to the focus question, your Yellow Journalism Graphic Organizer and Yellow Journalism Worksheet