Reading Act 2





My Reaction

Act I Scene 1

Barnardo:How now, Horatio, you tremble and look pale.Is not this something more than fantasy?What think you on ‘t?


This seems to be a major idea of the whole play—whether or not the ghost is real or if it’s some sort of fantasy.The trouble is that several people see it so it has to be real!


Now you will be reading Act 2.


Choose one of these options for your reading:



As you read, create a quote analysis table with three columns. In the far left column, put in the location for each quote you’re using from Act 1.  In the middle column, put in significant quotes from Act 1 that stood out to you.In the right column, write your reaction to the quote.  You can ask questions, summarize, clarify, or predict.  The journal should be formatted like the example on the left and you should have 8-10 quotes from  taken from throughout Act I (not just five quotations from the same scene) as well as your responses to these quotations.

You should think about this chart as being in a modified PEA format. The quote column is your evidence. The reaction column should include your point as well as analysis explaining why the evidence/quote supports your point!