Social Class Theory and “A&P”




Now let's apply what we've learned about social class theory.

Read the short story “A&P” by John Updike (attached below).  As you read, pay very close attention to the social class of all the various characters.  It might even be helpful to keep a list or print the text and highlight as you read.  You're looking for rich customers, poor customers, managers, and workers.  Then think about their interactions.  How does social class play a role in the story?

In your Google reflective journal respond to ONE of the following prompts in a response of approximately one-half page of text. Our goal is to think about social class and how it impacts this story. 

Be sure to include the question to which you are responding.

-What economic class do you feel you belong to? Is your class represented in the story?

-What can you tell about someone's social and economic class from what they wear?

-What can you tell from what they buy? Do you think that Sammy is making unfair assumptions about the girls in the A&P?

-How much of Sammy's fascination with Queenie comes from her social class? Would the story be different if the bathing-suit girls were all from his social circle?

(Questions adapted from

If you finish today, you can submit your response the drop box.