Today you should revise and refine your final reflective masterpiece. 

To create your final product, you will need to address these tasks:

Choosing a technological tool that will best meet your needs and your message.

Revise your draft as appropriate to be sure your hook, structure, transitions, word choice, and varied sentence structures really engage your reader. Refer to the rubric for the written portion attached below.

Remember to include both experiences and reflections about those experiences. Use elaboration strategies to provide the level of detail that will make your story come alive.

Rehearse your presentation so that you can deliver it in a way that complements the message of your presentation. Pay attention to pacing or the rate of your speech, planned pauses for effect, variations in volume, emotional intensity, emphasis on particular words or phrases, etc. You should NOT simple read your draft -- you should DELIVER your MESSAGE.

Record your final video product and submit.