Session Plan |
The image above is from Into the Wild, one of the choices for this unit. |
Welcome to a new week in English 12! In this session we'll continue reading our non-fiction books. We'll react to the core content of the text as well as consider how the author's viewpoint might have impacted the book. Watch the introduction video here to get started and review the assignments below:
Assignment |
Due Date |
Point Value |
7.21 Reader Response Journal or Notes |
50 points |
7.22 Author's Background Paragraph |
30 points |
7.23 Journal |
30 points |
Points Possible |
110 points |
Suggested Schedule:
Day 1 |
Dau 2 |
Day 3 |
Day 4 |
Day 5 |
Continue reading the next 1/4 of your book, working on the note-taking format. |
Continue reading the next 1/4 of your book, working on the note-taking format. |
Finish up reading and complete notes or journal on this 1/4 of the book and submit 7.21 Reader Response Journal Notes |
Complete the research on your author's background and write the background paragraph. Submit 7.22 Author's Background Paragraph |
Catch up day before break, or comlete 7.23 Journal |