Again this week you will add to the journal you have created as a shared Google docs file that you created in the introduction session.    

Begin the entry with this week's date so as to distinguish it from previous ones.  Write 2-3 paragraphs (roughly one-half page, single spaced) or approximately 20-30 minutes of sustained writing.

This week's journal topic is again YOUR CHOICE.

You can use this space to review what you've learned about the person you're studying.

You can also write about questions, concerns, and issues that are on your mind of late.  

Some of you will know immediately what you wish to write, but if you need TOPIC IDEAS, CLICK HERE.

The goal here is to sustain your writing practice and give you an outlet to continue some great thinking.


On the next page, submit the link to your Google doc so that I can read your responses and comment there.