Rhetorical Devices

You have already examined many rhetorical devices even if you did not know it.  Amy Benjamin, author of "AP Toolbox" defined rhetorical devices as "the jewelry of rhetoric: they create sparkles and interesting little gems of writer's craftsmanship.  Like jewelry, rhetorical devices should not be used to excess lest they become garish."  Benjamin's point here is important -- writers hold valuable keys to language when they have mastered rhetorical devices -- but writers need to use them wisely and when appropriate, not overindulging their work with them.

In this lesson you will familiarize yourself with common devices such as

  • alliteration
  • allusion
  • anaphora
  • parallelism
  • antithesis
  • imagery
  • irony
  • figurative language
  • paradox
In addition, you will take a look at more obscure devices as well.




Visit the web resource below and examine the following basic terms: alliteration, allusion, anaphora, parallelism, antithesis, imagery, irony, figurative language, and paradox. Then examine the more advanced terms: zeugma, chiasmus, apostrophe, metonymy, and synecdoche. Pay close attention to the examples -- they will help you to understand the usage of these tools. 

In the assignment to follow, you will be asked to define these terms and to give your own examples.

A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices