Hello and Welcome to English 11!

I'm excited to be teaching this course and am anxious to get to know all of you! So, this week we will be spending time getting to know everyone in the class. To do this, I'd like everyone to complete the discussion posted for this week. I will be participating in this as well!Next, I'd like everyone to go to the Course Information folder (located on the page before you enter this one) and read through the pages and information posted there. The quiz you must complete this week is on the information posted in this folder.After reading this, you will see that you are required to come to the live sessions or webinars for the class. If you miss these, you will still participate by completing an assignment. Our webinar link is: http://connect.aps.k12.co.us/classroombwscritchfield
Please log onto this every Wednesday at 1:00pm.
This week we will discuss navigating the course and make sure everyone can log in successfully.The last thing you should do for this week is complete the "Connecting With Me" assignment.

Each week, I will also post our learning outcomes and an overview for the week. Since we are navigating and doing introductions, they will not be posted like normal.