1.  Choose one of the Invertebrate listed below to use for this assignment.

  • Squid
  • Sea Urchin
  • Earthworm
  • Marine Annelid
  • Octopus
  • Jellyfish
  • Sponge
  • Flatworm
  • Sea Star
  • Leech
  • Sea Anemone
  • Sea Cucumber

2.  Next complete the attached Invertebrate Research Page, with the information for the invertebrate you chose. 

3.  Finally you will design an informational flyer, or video that promotes your invertebrate as the World's Most Awesome Invertebrate. 

Include the following in any format you use for the presentation:

Your work should be:

You can also include video clips of your invertebrate.

Use the Submit button to turn in both your poster/video as well as your Research Page.