Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a waste product of alcoholic fermentation. In this lab you will determine which beverage causes yeast to undergo a higher rate of fermentation.

Problem: What factors affect the rate of fermentation in yeast?

Probable Materials Needed: 3 empty water bottles, 1-2 package of yeast, 2 beverages, water, 3 balloons, 30 cm of string, metric ruler


  1. Develop a technique using balloons and water bottles to measure fermentation rate.
  2. Design your experiment. 
  3. Conduct your experiment - collecting data
  4. Construct a data table to record your data. Construct a graph to display your data.

Analysis & Conclusion

  1. Identify the following: independent variable, dependent variable, constant, control
  2. How did the independent variable affect the rate of fermentation? Why?
  3. Identify possible reasons for inconsistent result. How could you have designed a better investigation?