Narratives trace the development of a character, or characters, who encounter a series of challenges. Most characters contain a complex balance of virtues and vices. Internal and external forces require characters to question themselves, overcome fears, or reconsider dreams. The protagonist may undergo profound change. The tension between a character’s strengths and weaknesses keeps the reader guessing about what might happen next and the protagonist’s eventual success or failure.
Descriptive writing plays a role in developing characters because you want to make sure you are describing what is happening to your character enough. The explanation of events and what is going on helps to show the development of your characters. How can you show a change in your character without describing the events they are engaging with or the thoughts the character might be thinking?
To Kill a Mockingbird explores human nature, equality, and justice through the trial of Tom Robinson. A child’s inexperience captures an innocent sense of justice, while an adult’s world-weariness leads to abandoning the fight for justice. As a result, this novel hinges on occasions in which adults act like children and children act like adults. In order to argue for racial equality, Lee must demonstrate situations in which narrow-minded prejudice can realistically yield to an expanded moral sensibility.
Read chapters 17 - 19 now in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Take note of the charaters in these chapters. Consider how they have grown since the beginning of the novel. You might need to refer back to the beginning to take note of this. You will discuss this in the assignment that follows.